Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Avengers movie review and thoughts on 3D

Last night the hubby dragged took me to see this movie in 3D:

Honestly, I didn't really want to go see it, since comic books aren't my "thing." I also don't get the hype about 3D movies because every time I go to see one, I spend half the time flipping my glasses up and down trying to see the "difference" between what the screen looks like with them on and what it looks like with them off (geek alert), and subsequently, leave with a headache.

I wish I would have known  the history of the characters before going to see it. The movie itself was pretty good, but out of 5 stars on the Bethany Movie Ratings Scale, this one only gets 3 since I spent half the movie trying to figure out what Thor's back-story was. That being said, the reason it is 3 out of 5 instead of 2 out of 5, is exactly that. Thor. GROWL. I didn't mind staring at him the whole movie.

In addition, I love Scarlett Johansson, and decided that I want to be Black Widow for halloween this year:

Did anyone else see it? What did you think???

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