This was the weekend of moviegoing. I ended up seeing three new releases. I don't know if thats good, or if it means I need to get a life and get out more.
Pete had off on Saturday, which virtually NEVER happens, so we decided to go to the movies for the day. Yes, we make a day of it.
First we saw this movie:
I have never seen a James Bond movie before this one, and was a little leary of going to see it. I hate when I see a movie in a series but dont see the original and am completely lost with the plot. Pete assured me that I didn't need to see any of the others in order to follow it, and tried to bribe me to go by saying "you'll love it because Adele sings the theme song." Um really? Since when am I a huge Adele fan?
Anyway...I went because I was tired of listening to him talk about it. I'm glad I did. It was actually pretty good and entertaining. For some reason, I love to watch movies that take place in other countries (nerd alert), and this was defiantly did that. All in all, I give it a 4 out of 5 on the Bethany Movie Rating Scale.
Next up was Cloud Atlas.
You know, this one:
I can't really tell you what this movie was about because I still don't know. Yea, it was probably the worst movie I have seen in a long time. Going into it, I knew that it had something to do with running into the same people throughout different time periods and centuries and stuff, but the movie didn't tie any of them together. It was just plain pointless and weird. I give it a 0 out of 5. Seriously, do not see this movie, you will want your $12 back.
And finally, the best for last. Sunday I saw this:
Yea, thats right. I got to stare at Robert Pattenson for like 2 whole hours.
This movie was good, and having never read the final book of the series, I really didn't know what to expect. I loveddddddd it (although I have to admit, Jacob being around the Cullens ALL THE TIME, started to get a little creepy, even if he did "imprint" on Renesmee. On the Bethany Movie Rating Scale its a 5 out of 5.
I am sad that the series of movies is finally over, but now I have the hunger games trilogy to look forward to when the next one comes out next November.
When I think about it, November 2013 seems soo far away, but this time next year my little man will already be 8 months old! EEEK!!!!